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Samba do Mar Humboldt and Samba da Alegria invite you to participate in the 38th North Country Fair Parade season!

Thursdays 7/18 - 9/19 


McKinleyville Teen and Community Center  1685 Gwin Rd, McKinleyville


Sundays 7/14 - 9/15 



Participation Requirements

~ Ages 8-13

~ Attend a minimum of 4 classes

~ Dress Rehearsal Attendance

Final Rehearsal Date:

Saturday, September 21, Evening (Time TBA)

Parade Date & Time:

Sunday, September 22, 1-2 PM ( Performer Call Time TBA)

Registration for Parade Participation

Dancer and Drummer Registration is closed at this time, but please continue to come to classes to enjoy this special time of Samba in Humboldt County.

2024 North Country Fair Samba Parade Theme Summary


This year’s music arrangement is based on Unidos do Viradouro's 2024 Samba enredo (song with theme, pronounced en-HEY-doo) “Arroboboi, Dangbé,” which has themes that focus on strength and empowerment. The repeated chorus of the enredo, 'Arroboboi, meu pai / Arroboboi, Dangbé,' invokes the protection and power of Dangbé, the deity of the African Vodun cult that is often represented as a rainbow serpent. Dangbé’s force manifested itself in epic battles on the West Coast of Africa by the all-female Mino Warriors from the Kingdom of Dahomey. These warriors were spiritually initiated by Vodun priestesses, a dynasty of women chosen by Dangbé. The energy of the cult was established in Brazil with the installation of terreiros (houses of worship) in Bahia by Ludovina Pessoa, a Dahomean priestess who came to Brazil with the mission of perpetuating belief in Vodun. Ludovina also became a leader in Catholic brotherhoods and in the formation of what is today Candomblé Jeje, a Afro-Brazilian religion. The enredo mentions the Terreiro de Bogum, a centuries-old temple in Salvador, Bahia, dedicated to the serpent. One writer describes the enredo in the following way, “It celebrates the strength inherited from ancestors and the continuous flow of African heritage, like a serpent or a river, into the vast ocean of Brazilian culture.”


Samba Parade Theme: “The Power of Community”
For the 38th North Country Fair Samba Parade, we are gathering inspiration from Viradouro’s theme and celebrating the strength and power of our community members, as well as the power of Samba that influences our lives.




Recording of Arroboboi, Dangbé:

Autores (Composers): Claudio Mattos/Claudio Russo/Julio Alves/Thiago Meiners/Manolo/Anderson Lemos/Vinicius Xavier/Celino Dias/Bertolo/Marco Moreno
Intérprete (Singer): Wander Pires

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